Overhead cable
Overhead cable (full name overhead insulated cable) is an overhead wire equipped with an insulating layer and a protective sheath. It is a special cable manufactured by a production process similar to cross-linked cables. It is a new power transmission between overhead wires and underground cables. the way. Overhead cables are single-core, and can be divided into hard aluminum wire structure, hard drawn copper wire structure, aluminum alloy wire structure, steel core or aluminum alloy core support structure and self-supporting three-core pattern structure (wire The core can be hard aluminum or hard copper wire) and so on. It has the main characteristics of high power supply reliability, good power supply safety, convenient installation and maintenance, and reasonable economy. Its main technical parameters include weather resistance, insulation level, inner and outer semi-conductive shielding layer. Overhead cables are widely used in power transmission at home and abroad.

Tel:+86-319-5987118 / 5987116 / 5970376
Adds:North Zhujiazhuang Industrial Zone, Sujiazhuang, Ningjin County, Hebei, China
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